My fiance has caught me. I haven't posted in over a month, and the last post is somewhat.....emo, shall we say? Aiming for poetic, but it was never my strong suit.
Current locale: Montana (aka "Glory of the west"). It is currently 102 fahrenheit, as opposed to a breezy 74 in Seattle. Other differences: Missoula is currently on the red "extreme" pie piece on the fire danger monitor (like the terrorism monitor, only this is actually dangerous). And in this locale, I am working again as a private nanny instead of delving into the chalice of corporate idealogy at 24 Hour Fitness.
Ryan is at home in Seattle and I miss him terribly. He's collecting unemployment after some dastardly mismanagement at his engineering firm. The really sad part: he still makes more money than me! Oh Montana!
Other interesting happenings: apparently you can get an "FUI" in Montana now (Floating Under the Influence-- as in drinking while sitting in a rubber innertube floating down the river). I wonder if they have stings where cops dress as fishermen and signal you to shore to administer a breathalizer? Perhaps they rely on other floaters to turn you in-- unlikely, since most tubers I've seen rig up some sort of floatable cooler in the water. Also, while working on our new fence with my Dad a week ago, a WW2 bomber flew over our house. At first I didn't recognize it, but was seized with an unknowing fear. Then my dad spoke up and I realized I was recalling the old black-and-white war footage.
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