Friday, April 23, 2010

Smells like Africa!

As some of you may know, the World Cup is being hosted in South Africa this year. And although the games don't start until June, people here are very excited; as evidenced by the above photo, of "Cape Town"-scented body wash.

About 2 weeks ago I was perusing the corner drugstore and I started noticing how many things are "Cape Town" or "South Africa" scented. Being very curious as to what Africa smells like, I bought both the above body wash, and South Africa-scented fabric softener. But alas, there is no conclusive evidence to be found. The body wash smells distinctly citrus-y, while the fabric softener screams coconut. To make matters more confusing, my friend Sarah has the Cape Town-scented hand soap, and it smells just like all the other hand soaps. Further research is needed...

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