Our last day in the Cinque Terre we checked out of our hotel and spent the rest of the day thinking of clever ways to dodge the rain. I dragged Ryan to the doctor in nearby La Spezia because of some mysterious target-looking sores, for which the non-English speaking doctor just handed him some antibiotic cream. Ryan was grouchy as he doesn't like going to the doctor. La Spezia is a cute city with boutique and orange tree lined avenues.
We went back to Vernazza and had a fairly uneventful day. Two meals at The Blue Marlin and Il Pirata della Cinque Terre, both very good. We went on another hike, for which my legs wouldn't forgive me for the rest of the trip. Mostly we just sat by the shore drinking wine and waiting for the night train to Rome.
After reading the Rick Steves' message boards I was feeling pretty wary about our night train decision, but it was fine. We had our own cabin which we managed to score a few hours' sleep in. The conductor comes and knocks on your door 20 minutes before your destination so you don't oversleep.
Hi, just want to invite you and your readers to our site about the cinque terre
( in my signature ) and to the blog where you can also vote the nicest of the
Cinque Terre.
Also a new section is online: virtual tours of the Cinque Terre, a beautiful point of view..
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Как ы думаете. Любит Гуф свою жену или же нет? Вот Птаха видно Машу любит, а Гуф с Айзой как со шлюхой. Разве может возлюбленный человек говорить такие слова,какие Гуф на Айзу говорил на видео?
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